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The new "Post Office" building and clock tower in 1870.
then the Otago Museum and City Corporation Offices,
Burton Bros. Photo
[Source Te Papa Tongarewa] |
Last Update 13 Jan 2023
This concludes my four part blog on early timekeeping in Dunedin and specifically of its early bells and turret clocks. Click Here to read the first instalment. This final part continues to focus specifically on the highs - and unfortunate lows - of Dunedin's municipal turret clocks. I trust you will find the subject as interesting as I have.
This concludes my four part blog on early timekeeping in Dunedin and specifically of its early bells and turret clocks. Click Here to read the first instalment. This final part continues to focus specifically on the highs - and unfortunate lows - of Dunedin's municipal turret clocks. I trust you will find the subject as interesting as I have.
Having occupied the intended "new Post Office" since July 1871, the University of Otago Council decided in 1875 to sell their building in order to fund new extended and purpose built premises. The Colonial Bank submitted a tender £27,000 but were declined as the University did not consider this to be a sufficient amount. In the hope of purchasing the building as a new town hall the Dunedin City Council also tendered the amount of £21,000 The "City Corporation" had of course used part of the building from 1867 to 1871. But it may have been for the best. In December 1875 the Dunedin correspondent for the Bruce Herald notes tongue in cheek that;
"It is not known whether the clock will be sold with the building, but if not, it should fetch a good price; for a more extraordinary time-keeper there is not this side of the line. That clock can be backed by your humble servant to do an hour in less time than any other one in this city. It will do with ease 60 seconds in ten minutes under the hour, and never turn a hair. It has caused more persons to miss trains than any clock I know."
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The Colonial Bank Building and Clock Tower, taken circa 1890's
[Source : "The Cyclopedia of New Zealand", 1905]
A correspondent notes in July 1876 that for "the last few weeks, the University clock has been dancing about to anything but correct time, sometimes as much as ten minutes in one day." Tenders were now to be "called for cleaning and keeping the public clocks in repair".
But discrepancies in timekeeping were again noted in April 1877 when the Dunedin Fire Brigade "obtained permission to affix a rope to the clapper of the clock in the tower of the University building, for the purpose of using it to give alarm in the case of fire. It was pretty generally conceded that the arrangement could not have the effect of making the clock more erratic than it is at present."
But discrepancies in timekeeping were again noted in April 1877 when the Dunedin Fire Brigade "obtained permission to affix a rope to the clapper of the clock in the tower of the University building, for the purpose of using it to give alarm in the case of fire. It was pretty generally conceded that the arrangement could not have the effect of making the clock more erratic than it is at present."
In June 1877 the University finally sold the building to the Colonial Bank for £27,000., being the same amount tendered in 1875, and it now became their New Zealand head office. After the University Registrar was instructed to claim possession of the clock and bell the Manager of the Colonial Bank replied that the directors of the bank considered them as part of the sale which included "fixtures as they now stand". This forced the University Council to give up their claim. (The University would, however, finally reclaim the bell in September 2017 but more of this anon).
The "inexplicable phenomena" of the University clock tower without a clock would not be remedied until 1930 when the Hon Sir T.K. Sidey donated funds to Otago University for a turret clock which is referred to further down this page.
From 1878 the Colonial Bank allowed the Dunedin City Council "to have the University clock [ie now the Colonial Bank clock] for the nominal rental of 1s per annum, providing the council would light it and keep it in repair."
From 1878 the Colonial Bank allowed the Dunedin City Council "to have the University clock [ie now the Colonial Bank clock] for the nominal rental of 1s per annum, providing the council would light it and keep it in repair."
The poor timekeeping of the Colonial Bank clock continued to be occasionally noted in the press, especially as the Dunedin Tramways - and their passengers - "take their time" from this clock. In 1888 the Secretary of the Tramway Company formally wrote to Council complaining of the poor timekeeping as "numerous complaints had been made by the public in consequence". Planned stoppages for repairs or cleaning were normally advertised in the newspapers but unforseen breakdowns often brought forth public displeasure which demonstrated the great reliance the public placed on it. In 1896 it was noted that the minute hands had a "drop" of two minutes and would be fast two minutes after the hour and two minutes slow before the hour, this defect having existed since 1881.
The 1880 Town Hall and Clock Tower in
The Octagon Dunedin. Architect Mr R.A. Lawson
Morris Photo, taken circa 1903
[Source : "The Cyclopedia of New Zealand", 1905]
In 1879 the Dunedin City Council finally purchased their own striking and chiming clock for the new Town Hall in The Octagon being started on the 2nd Dec 1880. Constructed by the Gillett and Bland Steam Clock Company of Croyden, London, the full history of this clock and its unique "discordant jangling" chime, may be read by clicking Here. I therefore need not repeat the history of this clock other than to mention that on the 20th May 1910, and by order of the Mayor, the clock "tolled" the minutes continuously from midday until nine minutes past one to mark the funeral of King Edward VII. In 1988 the R.A. Lawson designed Municipal Chambers of 1880 were restored, including rebuilding the rather fanciful clock tower to its original imposing height and splendour. This clock is today kept in excellent working order by Dunedin Horologist Jeff Martin. [UTube link to hear the chime here]
Regular setting of the Town Hall clock to "New Zealand Greenwich mean time" commenced in March 1898 with the correct time being "flashed" from Wellington by telegraph. The "absolute reliableness" of this clock would now make it very much the "authoritative standard" for time in the city. Although the Colonial Bank clock would be regulated by the former it quickly appears that "mean time" did not always agree with the latter. And as "Railway time" was some minutes ahead of the Colonial Bank clock travellers were urged to take note. In 1899 the contractor, Mr C.H. Tweedie, was publicly blamed by a correspondent for forgetting to wind the clock before he departed on his holidays. Upon his return, and in explanation, he states that someone got access to the tower and clock chamber (not for the first time) and interfered with the clock causing it to come to a stop, the matter being reported to the City authorities. The council paid for a padlock.
The lack of or inadequate gas lighting of the University / Colonial Bank clock dials also brought forth complaints. As early as September 1872 "the proprietor of the Gas Works" generously supplied the gas necessary for lighting the dials "free of charge" having been "for some years past... been left in darkness at night". The council appear to have eventually taken over this responsibility and cost.
By 1890, and with the Colonial Bank refusing to now bear part of the expense, the cost of gas at £89 p.a. was such that the council ceased lighting it altogether bringing forth comments "on the niggardliness shown by the City Fathers" and that strangers to the city would think it "a peculiar and poverty-stricken town". In 1891 the City Council Gas Committee agreed to light one dial at night at a cost of 7s 6d per week.
The "Exchange" Building and Clocktower
[Source : Wikipedia]
After the Colonial Bank suffered financial reverses in 1895 and were taken over by the Bank of New Zealand the latter put the building on the market. Finally, a syndicate of small shareholders calling themselves "The Dunedin Stock Exchange Proprietary Company Limited" bought the property in 1900 for £28,710 It then became "a rabbit warren of shops and businesses". But it is this last owner who have left their name on the building and on the clock.
In 1900, and also being very mean spirited, the new Stock Exchange Building owners refused to contribute towards payment of the cost of £50 p.a. to be able to light all the clock dials. It appears that the Council now took up the full cost only to have the Stock Exchange have their name written in black letters on the dial obscuring legibility at night. The bell strike appears to have been inoperative from prior to "the days of the old Colonial Bank" until August 1906 when a new complete striking mechanism was installed. In August 1907 it was announced electricity would replace gas lighting of the dials at a cost of £55 14s p.a., gas lighting having latterly cost £92 p.a. But gas had a reprieve after the experience of electric lighting of the Railway Station clock not being bright enough was pointed out to Council. It would be October 1923 before electricity finally won that battle.
I was surprised to discover that a serious fire which broke out early on a Sunday morning in 1933 caused "considerable damage" to the Stock Exchange building, particularly to the upper floor and roof area towards the rear but also "all inside the building". Knowing that the Stock Exchange building become a veritable "rabbit warren" it was probably a small miracle that the fire had actually been brought under control and that the whole building had not become engulfed in flames, let alone reaching the clock tower.
An Advertising Posibility for the
Exchange Clock, October 1952
[Source : Otago Daily Times]
We now fast forward to October 1952 when we find that the "existing mechanism is in a very bad state of repair" and had ground to a halt with the hands stuck at just past 1.30 In an "uncompromising statement", Mr Skinner, the Chairman of the Stock Exchange Proprietary Company", advised that as "no material benefit accrues to the company from the ownership and housing of a clock", and as a public amenity "it could hardly be expected that the company should maintain it". Although the company paid a small sum each year to the council towards the cost of maintenance, after rates, taxes and other costs were met "there was little [left] for the shareholders" so either the clock should be removed or council should bear the cost of repairs or a replacement. And, as Mr Skinner ominously states, not only was the clock in need of attention but also the clock tower. The company even seriously suggested that they could use the clock faces for advertising purposes to generate revenue for their shareholders, in fact they had already been approached by a potential advertiser. So what was to be done?
The Dunedin City Council were now forced to explore possible alternatives in order to maintain what was a "valuable, even essential service in the interests of [the] citizens". The cost of repairing the old clock was estimated at between £1,000 and £1,200 The City Engineer now made enquiries of his counterparts at Auckland and in Invercargill, both councils owning dismantled turret clocks. Auckland advised full details on their chiming clock at a guide price of around £450 and Invercargill likewise on their old Post Office clock and bells at around £400 based on scrap brass value, both availability and final cost being subject to respective council approval. Additional costs would accrue for scaffolding (£250), dismantling, repairing and modifying the clock platform, transporting and erecting thus adding in the order of £1,000 to the total cost.
By the end of the month the Invercargill Town Clerk advised, "that the council, after consideration, regrets that the clock and chimes are not available for sale". The offer of the services of their retired clock service-man to install it was likewise withdrawn. To their great credit, Invercargill finally 'exhumed' and restored their precious 1893 "Littlejohn & Son" turret clock and chimes in 1989 (also using parts from the dismantled Bluff Post Office turret clock). I can well remember being fascinated but saddened seeing the dismantled dusty remains and clock faces stored in their water tower during a school visit in 1970.
We now find on the 23rd December 1952 that the Council accepted a quote from "Armstrong and Springhall Ltd." of £388.0.0 to install an "International Business Machine Master Control Clock System" with a one year guarantee, in other words an "I.B.M." electric clock. Only certain parts of the existing mechanism would be used, but despite all being "in a very bad state of repair", those parts re-used would be guaranteed for three months. These would, I assume, be the gears and linkages from the mechanism to the hands. All work was to be completed within two months. I am assuming that henceforth it would be a silent rather than a striking clock although the bell remained in the tower. As to who the original 1863 clock mechanism was initially sold to I do not know but ownership still rested with the Stock Exchange Company.
It is interesting to note that an alternative clock being concurrently discussed with the Postmaster-General was a three-faced clock on the Princes street - Water street angle of the 1937 Chief Post Office Building. This did not proceed.
So, while the "Exchange" clock would continue as before, but without it's old and worn out turret clock movement, it is perhaps not surprising that in 1954 we find that the Stock Exchange building itself was sold by the "syndicate" to the New Zealand Government, the latter "promising future plans". It does sound as if the returns to the syndicate had latterly been relatively meager.
One helpful source advised me that latterly the "Exchange clock" was looked after by the late John (Jack) Dever. This will be the post 1953 electric clock and original mechanism driving the hands. Mr Dever reminisced that due to the nature of the crumbling lime mortar in the old Oamaru stone and brick building the weight of the tower was causing it to compress and literally sink on its foundations. The poor condition of the tower is mentioned by Mr Skinner in 1952 but this "sinking" of the masonry was undoubtedly further exacerbated by a shameful and calculated lack of maintenance on the building by the Ministry of Works after purchase by the Government in 1954.
By the time it was demolished in 1969 many, including the Dunedin City Council, actually wanted this neglected "eyesore" gone in favour of something modern. As Historian Lois Galer commented, "Retaining, strengthening and renovating the 100-year-old building was never considered... in the end, the community let it go". Such was our then complacent and disinterested attitude to the rich history of this city. But the loss of the Exchange Building would help to turn the tide of public opinion when it became evident how much more Victorian heritage Dunedin was at risk of losing.
UTube Demolition of the Exchange Building
and Clock Tower, Dunedin. January 1969
It is well known that upon demolition in January 1969 the building came down very easily and to prove that point the demolition can be viewed in colour on UTube, including good views of the clock tower. Only the west and south facades as well as the clock tower facades were of limestone but the rest of the building was of unreinforced brick masonry with (now) crumbling lime mortar. And with the upper balcony having been enclosed many years previous, the building had, to a degree, already lost some of its original beautiful design and symmetry.
As to the Stock Exchange clock, The Dunedin City Council Horologist advised me in mid 2016 that parts from the 1868 clock faces and actuating / linking mechanism (only) were held in Council storage in Balclutha. I was also able to confirm that various "parts" believed to be from the (1863 Scottish built) turret clock mechanism and possibly the later 1868 hospital (Lund) clock were privately held in Dunedin by more than one individual who, for whatever reason, unequivocally wish to remain anonymous. After speaking briefly to one of these owners I was advised that they have been slowly progressing their own independent research on this and the Hospital clock but I was unfortunately not offered the opportunity to view or photograph the said "parts" for this blog or to share or compare our joint research. I do not believe the trail of ownership post 1952 is clear, even to them.
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"Extracting" the 1863 "Bryson" bell from the Meridian Mall, Sept 2017 [Source : University of Otago Property Services] |
In September 2017 the University of Otago, and after 140 years, finally reclaimed what they considered to be "their" bell. This was with the agreement of mall management (although we now know it was only on loan to them) after a request by Michael Porter, the University of Otago North Campus Facilities Manager. The University finally uplifted (literally) their bell in September 2017, extracting it from its 20 year 'incarceration' in the Meridian Mall by hoisting it up from the basement level. Prior to the removal I received a request asking me if I knew the weight of the bell. Now I know why! In February 2019 the 1863 'Bryson' bell was installed (although unfortunately not hung) on a plinth in the courtyard between the University Clocktower and Geology Dept. buildings and was ceremonial rung on the 15th February 2019 during the University of Otago 150th Anniversary public picnic. We must wholeheartedly thank the University for publicly highlighting this historic object which is as important to Dunedin as it is to the University and additionally keeps alive in the public memory a little bit of Dunedin's very early horological history. But I do hope that one day the "Bryson" bell may be securely hung in a little tower rather than (still) sitting on a plinth.
In September 2018 "The Southland Times" reported that the Exchange Building clock faces (which were installed in 1868) and linkage gears had been purchased from the Dunedin City Council on or after 1969 by a Mr Harold Cartright. He in turn donated them to the then Balcutha Borough Council for a municipal clock. But costs would prove prohibitive and the matter rested for quite some years. In 1983 a Dunedin Jeweller would however restore one dial which is now on display in the present Clutha District Council offices in Balclutha. As they were of no further use, the three remaining cast iron dials and hands, accompanying linkage gear mechanism, and I.B.M. Master Clock were to be donated to the Toitu Early Settlers Museum in Dunedin where they will form a display.
As at January 2023 the Clutha District Council confirmed that the three clock faces, IBM master clock, and "a glass-enclosed brass clock mechanism, originally comissioned for [the] South Seas Exhibition in 1864" had been gifted to Toitu Otago Settlers Museum. The "brass faced clock mecanism" had in fact been donated to Toitu in 2019 and is now on display in the museum.
After personal inspection In January 2023 I would surmise that only the upper brass gearing is part of the original 1863 built mechanism. These are connected, via what looks like non-brass reduction gearing with brass bushes, to an electric clock mechanism of English manufacture, most likely dating to the 1950's or 60's. This is, to the best of my knowledge, not the I.B.M "Master" electric clock previously referred to. I had been hoping that the "brass clock" (pictured above) would have included more of the original mechanism but obviously not. Therefore the clock "parts" privately held in Dunedin may still include elements of the 1863 Scottish made turret clock as well as the unsatisfactory, but equally historic, Dunedin built 1868 "Lund" clock. I will update this section if I hear anything more but for now I can confirm that, according to an "Otago Daily Times" news feature, two clock faces will become part of the new "First Great City" display at Toitu. It is really great to see Dunedin's rich horological history continuing to be brought to the fore and celebrated.
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The Dunedin Railway Station and Clock Tower. Muir & Moodie Studios Photo, circa 1910 [Source : Te Papa Tongarewa] |
The Dunedin Railway Station non-striking turret clock, with three dials and a gravity escarpment movement, was made and installed by W. Littlejohn and Sons of Wellington at a cost of £179 and commenced operation at noon on the 15th February 1907. The first person responsible for its care was Mr D. Dawson. In July 1910 this clock was included in the station synchronous electric clock system comprising of 20 small clocks, the two five foot dials of the platform clock, and of the turret clock. Being wound electrically with a one-twelth horsepower electric motor, the old mechanism, which included a "going" weight of about 150 lb and a pendulum weighing about 130 lb was replaced, with the "going" weight now reduced to about 15 lb and the pendulum entirely dispensed with. The Dunedin City Council have owned the now fully restored Railway Station building and clock since 1994. Illumination of the dials has always been by electric light.
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The Otago University Registry Building and Clock Tower. George Chance F.R.P.S. Photo, circa 1930's-1940's. [Source : Te Papa Tongarewa] |
The Otago University Registry Clock Tower turret clock is the result of the Chancellor of Otago University and Member of Parliament for Dunedin South, the Hon. Sir Thomas K. Sidey, offering in March 1930 to make "a voluntary contribution" towards the cost of an electric turret clock for the tower and a master clock for the main entrance. After approaching Messers Littlejohn and Son of Wellington and receiving a quote of £700 [around NZD$33,565.00 in today's values], Sidey then asked that "under the legislation of last [Parliamentary] session, a £1 subsidy be granted on this contribution." Government then approved a subsidy of £350. for the clock. Sidey, in making this offer to the University, "trusted that the council would see its way to accept the offer and thus remove what had been an eyesore ever since the University building was erected half a century ago." Naturally agreeing to this generous offer, the members of the council then joined in singing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow". In regards to his offer, Sidey further added "that if at a later date it should be decided to install chimes, he would be prepared to bear an equal proportion of the cost." Lady Sidey in fact gifted the "Quarter chimes", being installed in June 1934. [UTube link here].
While Dunedin still has a commendable number of "turret clocks" in operation, being the Town Hall chiming clock of 1880, the Railway Station clock of 1907, the University Registry chiming clock of 1930, and the Dunedin City Council owned 1885 "Littlejohn & Son" striking clock in the Iona church spire at Port Chalmers, the permanent loss of two of the earlier examples of such turret clocks is to be deeply regretted - even if one example should early on have been consigned to a museum 'celebrating' colonial New Zealand's horological history.
"Watching the Clock - Dunedin's Time keeping Landmarks"
Further Information & Feedback : Any further information on Dunedin's turret clocks and bells is welcome. I will update this blog as any new relevant information comes to hand. A link to my email is in the right hand menu bar. Any feedback is also appreciated.
Copyright - No commercial reproduction permitted without the permission of the writer. Excerpts may be freely quoted for academic use provided this site is acknowledged.
Sources :
- Papers Past [National Library of New Zealand / Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa]
- Te Ara, The Enclyclopedia of New Zealand
- Heritage New Zealand / Pouhere Taonga
- Hocken Collections, University of Otago
- McNab Room, Dunedin Public Library
- Toitū Otago Settlers Museum, Dunedin New Zealand
- Dunedin City Council Website
- Dunedin City Council Archives
- Otago Daily Times Online
- The Southland Times
- The Southland Times
- Diary of the Rev Thomas Burns 1847 - 1852, First Church of Otago Heritage Centre (electronic version held by the writer)
- "The Founding of the Otago Settlement - Its History and Development", 1898 (from my own collection)
- "The Cyclopedia of New Zealand", 1905 (from my own collection)
- "The Story of Early Dunedin" by A.H. Reed, 1956
- "Early Otago and Genesis of Dunedin, Letters of Rev T. Burns D.D. 1848 - 1865"
- "A Brief Account of the Origin and History and Also the Income and Expenditure of the Presbyterian Church of Otago", Rev T. Burns, 1865
- "A Great Coloniser - The Rev Dr. Thomas Burns" by E.N. Merrington, 1929
- "Cathedral in the Octagon - the First 100 Years of St Paul's 1849 - 1994" By G. Parry
- "Centenary of Invercargill Municipality 1871-1971"
- "New Zealand's Lost Heritage" by Richard Wolfe, 2013
- "Old Scottish Clockmakers 1453-1850" by John Smith
- "Post Office Directory - Edinburgh and Leith 1864-1865",
- Presbyterian Church Research Centre (Archives) website (Lost Archives)
- Te Papa Tongarewa
- University of Otago Property Services Division
- University of Otago Property Services Division
- Private individuals in Dunedin
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